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Become a Member of the 
Republican Executive Committee!

The Republican Party of Miami Dade County's Executive Committee is comprised of 160 elected members representing 40 districts throughout the county. Each District is represented by two (2) Committeemen and two (2) Committeewomen, along with two (2) alternate Committeemen and two (2) Alternate Committeewomen. The purpose and responsibility of the Committee is to promote the Republican Party at a local level through community outreach efforts. 


In the event no county committeeman or committeewoman is elected or a vacancy occurs for any other cause in the County Executive Committee, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of those present at a regular or special meeting of the County Executive Committee at which due notice of the meeting has been given to all members and at which a quorum is present. Such vacancy shall be filled by a qualified member of the political party residing in the precinct where the vacancy occurred and for the unexpired portion of the term and shall not be deemed a member until the name has been duly recorded with the supervisor of elections by the Chairman of the County Executive Committee or his designee and the candidate oath has been filed as required under Article III Section 5 of the REC Model Constitution.


No candidate for a vacancy on the committee who meets the registration and residence requirements and follows the rules of procedure prescribed for filling a vacancy can be rejected for consideration by a membership committee, board, or officer of the County Executive Committee. All such candidates must be voted upon by the County Executive Committee

Duties of an Executive Committeeman or Committeewoman

Individuals looking to become REC Executive Committeemen or Committeewomen must be registered Republicans for no less than one (1) year prior to qualifying.


Forms can be obtained from the county elections department and are requested be submitted to the Miami Dade County Department of Elections no later than ten (10) days before a scheduled Executive Committee Meeting.




The Republican Party of Miami Dade's membership committee may also provide assistance. Please download and complete the membership questionnaire and send a completed copy to

Republican Executive Committee Meetings

The Republican Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County meets regularly, pursuant to the Constitution of the REC. Meeting notices are emailed at least 10 days prior to each meeting. For more information on meeting times, please join our mailing list or contact our office

Meetings are regularly held at:

Renaissance Ballrooms
5910 SW 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33144


Campaign Activity Committee

Chairman: Kevin Cooper 

Phone: 786-853-6555 


Membership Committee

Chairman: Maria Wadsworth 

Phone: 305-299-8840 


Club Relations Committee

Chairman: Harry Hoffman 


Rules-Procedures Committee



Events-Fundraising Committee





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